As today’s sun stretched, I laughed like a happy kookaburra

Children’s board book
Indigenous author & artwork.
Celebrates the sun & the animals that move about during the day time.
Young children will love this book, enjoying the illustrations which show animals going about their lives at different parts of the day. Despite the illustrations being drawn in black & white, they still capture the minds of young readers & allow them to imagine not only the colours of the animals but the colours of the sky at that particular time of day.
Early childhood teachers:
- Use this to learn more about Australian animals who are diurnal & nocturnal
- Learn about indigenous art techniques
- Explore what the sky & sun looks like at different times of the day.
- Learn about verbs and the different ways we can move our bodies
- Learn about adjectives that help describe how things look.
Need teacher notes for this book? Some activities, unit of work or lesson plans? Contact me to see how I can help you and your students!