Ada loves stars. But in New York, the city lights make the night sky too bright to see the stars.

Eye – catching & colourful illustrations
Readers will love Ada & her love for the outdoors, fun activities and learning.
Expose readers to the wonders of:
- Osprey
- Beaches – shells, crabs, sand and waves
- Star constellations
- Concept of the size of our universe & the many galaxies.
- Nature play
Read along to explore scientific facts about stars and the distances in space along with how we can view these distance bodies.
Children will love this story as Ada, the main character, displays enthusiasm in learning about all around her. Parents & educators can use this book as a springboard into a nature walk during the day or evening!
Educators & parents:
- After reading this story go outside and see what you can make with shells, sticks and leaves.
- Find photos taken by the Hubble Telescope and explore the different constellations.
- Discuss why we can’t see stars in the city – discuss if you can see stars where you live and why.
Need lesson ideas? Contact me today.