Once upon a time, a child took a book from the shelf and started to read……
About elephants.
The elephant by Jenni Desmond is a beautiful non-fiction picture book which will teach you almost everything you need to know about elephants and the important role they play in the world.
Did you know that without elephants watering holes would remain shallow? Or that pathways through the rainforests would not be accessible to smaller creatures? Or perhaps that their poo is not only a source of food for other animals but also a place to carry seeds for many different types of plants.
The pictures in this book are stunning and although the writing is lengthy for younger readers they will soak up the information whilst staring at the sketches.
Jenni Desmond has written two other books about endangered species, highlighting the importance for us to take a lot more care of them. With growing population and a demand for space to grow food, humans are encroaching on their space to live and pathways to move.

Stories about endangered animals are important but so are factual books. We need to know more about these species so we can talk to governments around the world and demand that more care is taken.
So what can you do after you have read this book?
- Look at other books about elephants – non fiction and fiction!
- Work on your own project about the history between humans and elephants. How have we felt about them throughout history? Why have things changed?
- Explore the different places elephants live and the positive encounters people have with them.
- Explore other animals who have helpful poo. What might the world look like if poo was not deposited they way it is?
- Create your own information book like Jenni Desmond’s that highlight important facts about another endangered animal.
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