Online book sharing

Online book sharing

Amid the worries and shut downs of nearly everything due to COVID19, many authors and illustrators have banded together to bring books to all children via online measures.

Please use these wonderful resources to share more books with your children, see authors in action and feel the joy that books can bring.

Email me AND join my email list today for regular updates, teaching tips and book reviews

Here is my list – it will be added to each day!

Download Instagram TV – Timothy Knapman (timothymknapman) is sharing his wonderful picture books and I am giving out some great advice too (educateempower), Read with Mrs.Javen, Sandra Dieckmann

Suzi Faed has a marvellous book – reviewed here and she is reading it here on her you tube channel:

Megan Forward and Dannika Patterson will be sharing their new book, Scribbly Gum Secrets on April 1st on Facebook – they are both wonderful so I can’t wait to see this book too!

Patrick Shirvington sharing how he creates his illustrations for the picture books he is asked to work with:

Talu Tales have a great You tube channel with some amazing books being read . Channel can be accessed here:

Kate Dani reads lots of books – check her out on her You tube channel.

Megan Higginson reads Raymond and the Fear Monster – see my teacher notes and review

  • Michelle Worthington reads The Wind and The Mouse – Sensory Friendly Animation.

Libby Hathorn is reading poetry live on her Facebook page – just search Libby Hathorn and you can show your kids!

Amelia McInerney is reading her book LIVE on Instagram 11am Wednesday 25th March. Check her instagram profile out.

EK Books have some fantastic picture books and great free resources:

Check out for some great literacy resources too!

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