In a dark and gloomy forest at the top of an enormous mountain, high above a little village, lived a monster as tiny as a teeny bat.

Meet the Fear Monster – a monster who preys on children’s fear and day by day grows in size as it gathers every worry that the children feel.
The fear monster lives above a village and in that village lives a little boy named Raymund who is afraid of everything. He is too scared to climb trees, swim in the river or even play soccer! But most of all – he is fearful of the nighttime.
Raymund is a boy that many children will relate to. He does worry too much and this worry stops him from doing so many wonderful things. The more he worries, the less he does – and that is what the fear monster loves best!
But never fear – this book isn’t as scary as it sounds! Through Raymund we see bravery, hope and the ways we can overcome worries and anxieties that stop us from having fun.
Raymund and the Fear Monster by Megan Higginson is a cleverly told story about overcoming our fears and seeing them for what they really are. It is an important book for all children – and even adults to know what our fears are and how we can overcome them by seeing our own greatness.
Ester De Boer’s illustrations are a perfect fit for this story, the black and white sketching shows delicate detail and displays the emotions that the characters are feeling.
Raymund and the Fear Monster is a story with heart that embraces the tough topic of owning our fears and taking charge of our lives – not letting the fear monster take hold and be more than what it really is – a small furry creature that squeaks like a mouse!
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