
Getting home by J.R.Poulter and Muza Ulasowski

A curious baby bear , a slippery piece of ice and a big ocean…

A baby polar bear is looking for his mother in the icy lands of the north pole. As he searches for her he not only comes across some seals, orcas and sea birds, he also discovers how big the ocean is and how important sea ice is to his survival!

Getting Home by JR Poulter and Muza Ulasowski is a worrying yet heartwarming story of this young polar bear and the real struggles these animals are facing every day. Through stunning illustrations and simple language young children will adore pouring over each page looking for different animals, watching the water splash over the ice and hoping that baby bear will make it back to his mum on the icy land safely.

Not only does this book provide a lovely story, it also gives the reader some great facts about polar bears and points out that they do only live in the north – must be a fact that many people get wrong!

Getting home also subtly teaches the readers about the importance of sea ice and how without it, Polar bears are going to really struggle to survive.

My little bit of ice is getting smaller and smaller…..I can just fit…..Just! 

Muza Ulassowski’s illustrations are intricately detailed and  give the reader a great insight into how polar bears move, how they might feel and how they would be if their home was to melt away.

So what can you do at home?

Visual literacy

  •  Explore the power of pictures in picture books. Why don’t we need a lot of writing when the pictures can tell us so much more? Explore what the pictures are telling us in this story.


  •  Why is this story called “Getting home”. If the title was changed how would it change the feel of this book?



  •  Where is the world’s sea ice?
  •  Why is the sea ice melting?
  •  How is this melting causing problems for Polar Bears?
  • Are there other issues with sea ice melting?


  • What are the causes of melting sea ice?
  • How can you minimise your indirect actions that cause sea ice melting?
  • What might the world look like if the sea ice continues to melt?

Grab your copy today and share this beautiful picture book with a little person in your life! Grab one here

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