T-Veg: The story of a carrot crunching dinosaur by Smritti Prasadam-Halls

T-Veg: The story of a carrot crunching dinosaur by Smritti Prasadam-Halls

Have you ever considered becoming a Vegetarian? Or perhaps even a Veganism?

Did you get hassled? Questioned? Teased?

Reginald the T-Rex does – and he is not happy about it.

Reginald is a fierce T-Rex, he can run fast, jump high and roar very loudly! However,  he just doesn’t want to eat meat – he wants to eat carrot cake, vegetable stew and banana berry cake instead!! His friends laugh at him and tell him that there he cannot be  T-Rex if he is to continue these veggie eating ways and with this, Reginald walks away.

He tries to befriend some other herbivores but when they just run away he tries to act like a herbivore but finds it too boring. Sad and confused Reginald heads for home – only to find that his T-Rex friends really do need him – and it’s lucky that he has returned!

This book, written in rhyme is a fun adventure into the world of vegetarianism and acceptance of everyone – no matter what they eat, look like or believe in. Children will learn that everyone is equal, special and has something to add to the community.

Katherine Manolessou’s illustrations are bright and energetic and she makes Reginald an easy to love T-Veg – Rex.

Perhaps you have never considered a carrot crunching dinosaur to send a message about Vegetarianism or acceptance of differences – but written in fast paced rhyme, this book does just that.

Perhaps it’s time you enjoyed some more vegetarian meals!

So what can you do at home?


– Try to have a meat free day once a week then progress to twice a week….it can be done!! A current favourite of ours is: Pumpkin and Peanut Butter curry

– Source your meat from organic and local companies. It may mean spending more money but just use less – add more vegetables to the dish instead!

– Try adding more vegetables to your meals and snack – they create less waste

– Do you have a compost bin? Worm farm? All those extra scraps can go this way!

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