Where happiness hides by Anthony Bertini and Jennifer Goldsmith

Where happiness hides by Anthony Bertini and Jennifer Goldsmith

Happiness is free. 

It is all around, hidden in the small things that surround us, but we don’t always notice.  

Even in the best of times, happiness can hide its face… until we stop 
to look for it.

Released solely online just recently, Where Happiness Hides by Anthony Bertini and Jennifer Goldsmith is Dirt Lane Press’ latest picture book.

Written in 16 different languages, this book can be shared far and wide to those that perhaps cannot usually get thier hands on a picture book. Dirt Lane Press had intended for a physical book drop to be set up but with COVID-19 restrictions, the online book is what has been created and perhaps in this format it has been able to reach more children and adults than expected.

Happiness is something that perhaps we take for granted and often worry about when we don’t feel it. But as the book tells us, happiness is often found in the little things – it is just that sometimes we don’t notice them as happiness.

The little lady beetle tickling your arm, finding a letter in your letter box or even hidden treasures can all be happiness – it’s just taking the time to notice.

But sometimes happiness isn’t around us and Anthony Bertini’s imagery allow the reader to think about what it could mean to each and every one of us. The illustrations by Jennifer Goldsmith intertwine with the words, showing and telling us what happiness can be, what sadness can feel like and then what hope does.

Anthony Bertini’s prose teamed with Jennifer Goldsmith’s illustrations, have created a a truly beautiful book that I’ve loved sharing around.

Where happiness hides has been translated into 16 different languages for the written book with options in English to listen to Greta Sacchi read it out loud or even watch her read it. There are also some downloadable colouring pages for children (and adults!) to enjoy.

Where Happiness Hides is a must read for everyone.

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