The illustrated encyclopaedia of dangerous animals by Sami Bayly. Published by Lothian children’s books.

The illustrated encyclopaedia of dangerous animals by Sami Bayly. Published by Lothian children’s books.

It is my mission to shine a light on the more misunderstood species in the animal kingdom

60 dangerous animals – sound fun? It is! 

Every time a child has seen this book – they have devoured it, poured over the pictures and read the details of where the animal lives, it’s diet, conservation status and danger factor!

Children will learn that not all dangerous creatures are nasty and out to get us but rather use their danger to protect themselves.

Sami Bayly has also included the conservation status which is vital at the moment as the more we understand about how we are impacting on animals every day, hopefully the more action we will take to change that.

Sami Bayly’s illustrations are amazing and a great way to see how sketching can show the real animal through the use of different lines, shade and colour.

The illustrated encyclopaedia is a great book for a fun read at home but also the science classroom when researching about different living things. We often direct children to the more obvious or cute animals when there are so many more amazing creatures out there – we just don’t always realise! 

Teaching ideas


  • use it to show children that there are many amazing living things out there


  • descriptive writing of an animal
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