The 2021 Environment Award For Children’s Literature shortlist

The 2021 Environment Award For Children’s Literature shortlist

It’s that time of the year again – the wonderful Wilderness society awards! All of these books are not only great literature – they are also great ways to inspire children into being more educated about the environment as well as being inspired to make a difference.

I’ve reviewed several of these books on my blog so head over to the links to read more about them and how to use them in your classroom.

These books are important for the future so I really encourage you to take a look and see how you can share them with the young people in your life! 

Here are some great lesson plans for teachers that align with sustainability in the Australian curriculum:

My pick? Bandits, Hold On & Edie’s experiments! 

Check out my reviews of these wonderful books!


Give me some space

Brother Moon

Hold on

The wonderful wisdom of ants

Tree beings

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