Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered about what the moon is doing?

Brother Moon, written by Maree McCarthy and illustrated by Samanthat Fry is Based on the stories that Wadjigany man Liman (Harry Morgan) used to tell his great grandson , Brother Moon tells us the story of who the moon is and how it is always keeping an eye out for us.
We meet Great Grandpa Liman who lives in the Northern Territory by the sea. He loves telling stories by firelight and just this time tells his grandson the story about his brother.
Hippy-boy, Liman’s grandson, listens intently as his great grandfather tells him about the different phases of the moon, the different ways it helps us in the night time and how it help us to overcome our fears.
Samantha Fry’s illustrations display the darkness of the night and the ways animals and the landscape look under the full moon. She captures the essence of the outback on those moon filled nights filled with shadows and stars.
Not only will children love hearing this dreamtime story, they will also have the chance to think more about the moon and the role it plays in our lives from waxing to waning.
Brother Moon is a beautifully told tale and one which highlights the importance of storytelling and the passing down of stories from one generation to the next.