Billie and the blue bike by Ambelin Kwaymullina. Published by Magabala Press.
Children from all cultural backgrounds will enjoy reading this book as it relates to something many children have to think […]
Children from all cultural backgrounds will enjoy reading this book as it relates to something many children have to think […]
We’re travelling from Melbourne on a birthday trip west, our aunty is sixty and we’re off on a quest. Written
I was brushing my hair when Papa came in and told me we were moving. Mama was very excited. Papa
You are about to embark on a Plantastic journey exploring 26 amazing Australian native plants! When Catherine Clowes started to
Do you believe in dragons? Through vibrant and detailed illustrations readers will submerge into the world of Weedy Seadragons and
Children will be inspired to not only explore the natural world after reading this book they will also brim with
This book is full to the brim with picture books that can be used as mentor texts in various lessons
Have you ever woken suddenly, in the middle of the night, without knowing why? It’s only your snow angel passing
This handbook is designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to fly (out of the nest, and safely) into
“Look, Little Roo,’ Said Mummy. “I see another joey hiding, just like you.’ “I don’t,” said Little Roo. “I wonder
Here are the adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. They were foster brothers and this is how it came about. In
We are all travelling through space, right now! The Earth is our spaceship, and it’s the only home we’ve got.