Snoozette’s days were all much the same. Until that peculiar afternoon…..

Meet Snoozette: A tea drinker, a french speaker and…..a snoozer! She lives in a place where clouds are always in season, wind whips around and a dull colour hangs low. She dreams of blue skies and happier days.
And it happens.
Snoozette falls asleep everywhere and one peculiar afternoon, she falls asleep whilst checking the mail box, only to find herself in the most peculiar dream!
She grows as tall as the clouds and that isn’t the strangest thing…
This picture book – Snoozette – delves deep into the imagination and into a world where anything can happen. Figurative language abounds as Snoozette explores her newly found dream world and children will love each and every new adventure!
Illustrations by Caterina Metti have amazing detail and colour and show what sleepy Snoozette is coming across with each new cloud or raindrop. Clouds on a clothesline, bottled raindrops and fairy floss clouds are only those things we thought were in our imagination!
The concept of dreams runs through this story and the idea that everything that we do, often ends up jumbled in our snoozes in the most peculiar of ways.
Children have loved the quirkiness and imagination that flows through this story. They have also loved the colouring in pages at the end of the book – a wonderful way to really engage children in sketching.
Teacher notes here: