Rosie Leads the way by Renee Irving Lee and illustrated by Lisa Coutts

Rosie Leads the way by Renee Irving Lee and illustrated by Lisa Coutts

You have a smart mind

You have a strong body

You have a beautiful Heart.

Meet Rosie, a young girl who isn’t so sure of herself even though her mother tells her how wonderful she is all the time. Like any young child, she sees what she lacks by viewing what others have rather than appreciating the wonderful gifts she has herself.

It isn’t until she has to look after someone that she realises just how wonderful she is and how important it is to know that a strong ming, heart and body is the best thing you could ever need.

‘Rosie leads the way’ by Renee Irving Lee is a picture book that will allow students to understand the importance of believing in themselves and looking out for others.

Children will see how kindness can help us to care for others but also empathise with them.
They will understand how important it is to keep our bodies healthy and strong as well as
making sure we continue to build our knowledge every day to ensure we are quick and clever

Lisa Coutts illustrations add more discussion points to the story and allow the young reader to talk further about how they can be more like Rosie.

In an age where many young children see what they lack rather than what they have, this book is a perfect way to show children just how important being themselves is.

Children from ages 3-10 will enjoy this book and through some great resources developed with Queensland Arts council, myself, Renee and Lisa; teachers and parents can explore concepts of self esteem further.

Head over to Renee’s website to find more about Rosie Leads the way and the resources you can use. Website here: Renee Irving Lee

Buy this book now and start exploring how to developed your child or students self awareness and self esteem:

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