These are some competitions that will provide real-world tasks for students.

These real world tasks will help parents who are at home with their children as real world tasks with set goals are very motivating.
Illustrator competition:
This competition is for children with a great publishing company. Kids have the chance for their artwork to be published in a book!
Writing competition:
Children can write a picture book or a short story with money prizes to be won and a session with an editor of a publishing company!
Young Scientist Competition:
This is still up and running for any young scientists. Simple to do and lots of fun. Just choose something your child would love to research and take part in their own investigation project at home. For Kindergarten to Year 12 students, Young Scientist offers worthwhile incentives to carry out scientific investigations, mathematical investigations and/or creating an innovative device.
The STANSW Young Scientist Awards are structured into three major categories (i) Working Scientifically (ii) Working Technologically and (iii) Working Mathematically. The major awards in each of these categories are headed up by the respective professional teachers’ body who are collaborating together to promote STEM education in NSW schools.
Poetry competitions
Browse this great website to see some online writing competitions around Australia.
Dorothea MacKellar poetry competition
This is a great competition for young poets and also a great way to become more interested in poetry.