Music for Tigers by Michelle Kadarusman and published by Pajama Press

Music for Tigers by Michelle Kadarusman and published by Pajama Press

Music for Tigers by Michelle Kadarusman and published by Pajama Press is a beautifully told story written for Middle Grade readers. Set in Tasmania, we meet Louisa who has been flown there from Canada to stay with her relatives for the holidays.

Life in the remote camp in the Tasmanian rainforest isn’t Louisa’s cup of tea at first but as she begins to understand the pig-footed bandicoots, spiders and weird noises she grows to love the place – especially when there is a sighting of the elusive and thought to be extinct Tasmanian Tiger.

The sanctuary her relatives keep is threatened by a mining company so together they need to save this Tasmanian tiger, named ‘Ellie’ with team work and the sounds of Louisa’s violin.

This is a great read for middle grade readers which will inspire a love for the wilderness, the animals within and hopefully some small acts of activism.

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