Music. A fold out graphic history by Nicholas O’Neill and Susan Hayes. Illustrated by Ruby Taylor

Music. A fold out graphic history by Nicholas O’Neill and Susan Hayes. Illustrated by Ruby Taylor

Music has been a part of our lives throughout history in so many more ways than you may know.

Music makes people laugh, cry or reminisce. Music can tell us stories and by listening carefully we can understand what life was like at the time for those who have composed it.

This fold out graphic history is an excellent way for children to understand how music has stayed the same and changed throughout history. It pinpoints important events through short snippets of information along with colourful illustrations as the reader stretches out the pages which line up to about 3 metres in length!

Books that stretch out like this (see the street beneath my feet) allow for children to share reading through movement and discussion. They can talk to each other about the different facts on the different pages without having to wait for someone to turn the page!

Music is such an important part of our lives that no child should miss out on and we need to make sure we go beyond just listening to music to taking part in making it ourselves. This book shows how different instruments can be used to make music, the different people who have made them and the various takes countries around the world have taken on performance.

And this is not only a book – there is also a spotify playlist to go alongside and link in with the different aspects of music throughout the book.

Children need music – and so do adults – this is an excellent book to start a love of music, to have an understanding of why we need it and how it has been influenced by and also changed history.

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