For this is when you will know that you have really made a bird
Delicately written and illustrated, How to make a bird is a divine picture book that speaks many different meanings to the reader.

How to make a bird is a gently told story that teaches the reader how to make a bird but it also teaches us that when we make something – perhaps a creative thought or project, that when we put it out there in the world, we are giving it life probably beyond what we ever thought.
This book has a calming effect not only from the language used but also the illustrations that fit in beautifully to show the young character learning as she makes her bird and eventually sets it free.
Highly recommended for Stage 2-4 readers on many different levels
- How to make a recipe more interesting – rather than just making a kite how else can it be described?
- Discuss what creativity is and how the making of it isn’t the only joy. Reflect on a piece of art made and students write about how they felt when showing it to others, giving it to someone or placing it on display.
- How are creations are made? Research the work that goes into various art forms.
- What is confidence and why do we need it?
Further teacher notes:
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