Mum for Sale by Zanni Louise and illustrated by Philip Bunting

Mum for Sale by Zanni Louise and illustrated by Philip Bunting

How often do we need to remind our mums to pay attention to us?

Or how often are you – as a mum asked over and over again to pay a small person attention?

Mum for Sale is another beautiful sotry written by Zanni Louise about the relationship there is between child and parent.

Errol sets the stage again this time with his mum too busy on the phone to pay him any attention.

Despite his ongoing pleas, his mother ignores him – too busy with the latest gossip. So Errol gets up to another adventure that makes him realise just how precious his mum is – even if she does ignore him from time to time.

Children will relate to this story, especially in the age of mobile phones and constant distractions. Mums will also relate in a world that is so busy with beeps, buzzes and conversations!

Philip Bunting’s illutrations add more depth to the story and ignite imagination as we ponder what Errol is thinking despite the lack of written word.

Minimal words allow for younger readers to access this book in their own language but also allow for Older readers to see that words are not always needed to tell a story.

Mum for Sale is a fabulous follow up book to Errol and I wonder what he will get up to next time?

What else can be done with this book?


  • Explore the concept of characterisation through this book and Errol. How is Errol and his mother’s characters developed over time and through story?


  • Explore penguins and what they get up to


  • How can we sell things? Do we always need money?
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