Each indi

It ain’t easy being green – plastic free July

Perhaps you have signed the pledge to be plastic free in July or have been inspired by hearing about the terrible amount of plastic in our oceans and landfill?

Perhaps you have started to think about how you will do without this single use plastic?

Perhaps the thought of being without single use plastic sends you into a flutter?

Or some things you just can’t do without?

You’re not alone!

Each indi

Our household has slowly consumed less plastic over the years but there are still moments when I feel quite a bit of eco guilt over bringing plastic home. Do you feel this?

This eco guilt can be overwhelming but I think we all need to start looking at the positives, look at where you are making changes – even if they are small, because of that small change you are leaving less plastic waste behind.

This week I tried to buy my meat from the butcher’s in a reusable container but due to Health and Safety regulations I couldn’t. I was very disappointed as not only was I nervous about asking, I was then not able to do what I thought was the best.

On reflection (once I got over the disappointment) I realised that these bags could be recycled (RED cycle program through Coles) Or can be washed with hot, soapy water and reused for smelly nappies or on the go rubbish.

So I guess what I am trying to say is – celebrate your wins. Celebrate what your family can do and what you can manage. Perhaps making your own bread is just too hard right now and even though there are single use bags, the butcher’s up the road is just too convenient while you have young kids or are getting home late from work.

Aim for some swaps and give yourself time. We can all do this, one bit at a time.

Try these easy swaps:

Plastic bags – reusable bags (leave them in the car!)

Grow your own herbs

Buy loose leaf tea

Buy a reusable cup that you can have take away hot drinks in.

Buy your meat and vegetables in bulk from Coops or delivery companies.

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