
Home made Sauerkraut

This is a great recipe from the book Heal you Gut by Lee Holmes.

Many people are talking about the benefits of probiotic food at the moment so it is everywhere in the health food shops but you can make it at home!

This is so easy to make  – cabbage is cheap and all you need is a glass jar, some herbs and a dark cupboard!

I find the taste of this one quite subtle so perhaps you will too (especially if you are new to eating it). I eat it  when I have eggs and vegetables for breakfast!

Sauerkraut – Use 2 x 1 litre jar.

1/2 green cabbage

2 litres of filtered water

1 tablespoon of Australian sea salt (much more eco friendly)

1 garlic clove – crushed

1 tablespoon of caraway seeds.

  1. place cabbage in jars and press down until 3/4 full.
  2. Stir other ingredients together so the salt dissolves then fill the jars with the mixture.
  3. Place a tight lid on the jars and place in a dark cupboard for 4 days or until bubbles start to form (This depends on the time of the year you make it!)


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