Australian Sea Life written and illustrated by Matt Chun

Australian Sea Life written and illustrated by Matt Chun

Pastel sketches of seals, stingrays and sharks stud across the end pages of Matt Chun’s latest book – Australian Sea Life.

Following the same concept as Australian Bird Life, Matt Chun’s latest creation brings an awareness to young readers about the sea animals that live in the ocean’s of Australia. 

On each double page spread there is a beautifully illustrated picture of a sea creature that is a close up view of it’s face ready for a smile or perhaps a floating snack.

On the opposite side of the page are some easy to read facts for younger readers which encompass where the animal can be found, what they eat and how they live.

Their habitat and interesting habits are described in an easy to read fashion that younger readers will enjoy.

This book not only informs but allows the reader to see what the animal looks like through an artists lense. The different textures of the sea creature can be seen through the different lines used to capture the skin, highlight the eyes or show the mouth crevice. 

This book will evoke awe in all readers of the amazing detail these animals have, the creative life they live and how lucky we are to have them in the world.

Australian Sea Life would be a great book for the science classroom, Descriptive and informative writing classes and of course visual arts. Sustainability, Geography and mathematics can also be used from springboard ideas in this book.

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Lesson idea


Life cycle of an australian sea creature.

Life cycle of a sea creature that only inhabits Australian waters – why is this so and if climate changed, where would they go?

Informative writing

How are the paragraphs set out so that the reader stays interested throughout the whole page?

How do you decide which facts to include about each sea creature?

Visual Arts

Look at the different types of lines used in each drawing to represent different textures.

Look at how the range of colours represents different areas of the sea animals face. 

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