Every boy can be a hero, brave knight or superman by helping others, doing right and being the best he can.

This is such an important book for young boys to read as not only does it shows all the different ways you can be a hero, it also written in rhyme so it is easily accessible to children of all ages.
Nikki Rogers created to be books are beautiful in their message, stories, prose and illustrations. They are great introductions and springboards into topics that we can find difficult to talk about with children.
‘A hero is’ introduces or reinforces to children what it is like to be a brave and strong person without having to show big muscles, fight others or be gruff. It shows children that acts of kindness and compassion can show bravery and standing up for other peoples rights can be strong.
This book introduces children to the concept of every day acts that are wonderful and something that we should all aspire to in ourselves as the adults and also within our children.
We read about those who put others before themselves, hero who can fix things and look after their family, heroes who care for the environment and heroes who are clever and can create inventions to make the world a better place.
Every child who reads this will either see themselves in one of these characters or know a man in their life who is like this.
Nikki Rogers has created some fabulous resources that go with her collection of books so that not only is this book one to read, it is also one to talk about and link our own lives into
‘A hero is’ is a book to be read and shared to reinforce the message that kindness is the way forward and something to aspire to.
Buy your copy today to share with children in your home or classroom