A beautiful girl written and illustrated by Nikki Rogers

A beautiful girl written and illustrated by Nikki Rogers

A beautiful girl is gracious and tall And you know she will catch you if ever you fall.

A beautiful girl written and illustrated by Nikki Rogers is a rhyming picture book which can help young girls to realise just how special they are.

With each double page dedicated to a different way we might look, A beautiful girl outlines how it doesn’t really matter what we look like but who we are through our actions and word.

Nikki Rogers highlights standing up for the weak and seeking after justice, celebrating life through the arts and being good at solving problems through each short rhyming prose.

After reading this book children can think about what makes them a great asset for the world, what makes them stand out of the crowd and how can they be kind and honest in everything they do.

Nikki Roger’s illustrations are simple yet meaningful. They are colourful sketches that ooze care and love which children will relate to as they are read the story.

A beautiful girl is a book that is part of a collection through Created to Be books and one which should be shared with girls of all ages to help them to know they are important and special no matter what they look like to themselves or others.

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