The power of creativity

The power of creativity

Children need creativity and there are many ways you can promote this at home through literacy. Storytelling and creativity is a crucial art form that we all need in our daily lives. Storytelling moves beyond structure and correct tense – it moves into different ideas that challenge what we know and accept.

During the school holidays you can ignite some creativity in your children by some simple questions and activities:

  1. Ask them to imagine what they would ask their favourite book characters if they ever were to meet them.
  2. Which magical land would they love to travel to and what would they do there?
  3. If they were to ask a book character over to dinner what would they feed them and which games would they play?
  4. Construct a magical land inside cardboard box. Use leftover materials to make this land – the more unstructured the materials, the more creative your child needs to be so refrain from buying things to decorate the box.
  5. Rewrite a favourite story from a different character’s perspective and see how the story might chan

Up for plastic free July Challenge? Try some great inspiration from here:

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