Animals brag about their bottoms by Maki Saito. Published by Greystone Kids.

Animals brag about their bottoms by Maki Saito. Published by Greystone Kids.

Everyone’s proud of their bottoms! Such wonderful bottoms – each and every one!

Maki Saito has not only made a fun book about a much loved topic – bottoms but she has also illustrated the pages beautifully – truly showing the spots, stripes and colours of all of the different animal bottoms out there!

Kids think bottoms are funny but perhaps they have never really stopped to see just how special different animal bottoms are with their different appearances!

Helping children (and their parents) to become more aware of the beauty of nature should help them to take further care of it as they can see just how colourful and inspiring the simple bottom can be!

Children can also discover more about spots, stripes, shapes and various colours alongside seeing various fronts and backs of animals from around the world.

Animals brag about their bottoms by Maki Saito is a book full of fun learning for children of ages 4-8 and even older children could use it for some artistic inspiration!

What you can do in the classroom

  • Explore different sizes and shapes of animals
  • Explore shapes, lines and colours we can find in nature.
  • Count the animals
  • Classify the different types of bottoms!
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