Leafy Critters by Yvonne Lacet

Leafy Critters by Yvonne Lacet

Children will be inspired to not only explore the natural world after reading this book they will also brim with imagination about what they can create just by stepping outside.

Yvonne Lacet’s Leafy Critters picture book is so much fun. Words are not needed for this book as the rather creative natural creations made of leaves and flower petals speak for themselves.

Each page is filled with a new animal made from nature which made simply, will inspire young children to make their own but also wonder what the creature might be up to.

Early Childhood teachers and primary teachers alike can draw inspiration from this book and link the images into art and science lessons.

Try this book to:

  • Inspire your students to create their own nature based animal.
  • Explore the different colours of creatures.
  • Wonder why there are different shades of colours in the natural world.
  • Classify animals and colours
  • create imaginative stories about one or more of the animals in the book
  • Check out Yvonne’s other work and take part in an artist study.
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