Swim, Shark, Swim! by Dom Conlon and Anastasia Izlesou

Swim, Shark, Swim! by Dom Conlon and Anastasia Izlesou

Meet Shark – a black tip reef shark who decides to go on a journey through the oceans of the world to see the different sharks that live in the various watery habitats.

Written poetically, and with a hint of imagination, the blacktip reef shark leaves its normal habitat to see who lives in the different oceans and seas around the world.

As teachers and parents read this picture book, they can plot on a map where these different sharks live and compare the habitats which help them to thrive. They can also discuss not only the importance of sharks but also the fact that they are always in the water – as an imperative part of the ecosystem.

This picture book will bring about awareness of these misunderstood ocean animals and the differences they have depending on where they live.

A great book for classroom teachers to use in Geography, Science and Sustainability.

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