Reading snacks: Chocolate and popcorn? Who knew?

Reading snacks: Chocolate and popcorn? Who knew?

We all read reading snacks and if the snacks are healthy then we can eat more and read for longer…right?

Here is a wonderful recipe that is homemade, nut free and mostly Australian grown. They are also packaging free which is not only great for the environment but great for you as it means one less trip to the bin!

1 1/2 cups of cooked popcorn.

1 cup of coconut – desiccated works better but shredded is fine.

1 cup of melted coconut oil.

1/4 cup of cacao powder.

1 cup of sultanas

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup of pepitas.


  1. Whizz up the sultanas – they are tricky to whiz so at least make them as mushy as possible!
  2. Whizz up the sunflower seeds and pepitas.
  3. Mix all of the dry ingredients together then add the coconut oil.
  4. Set in the fridge for at least 4 hours before eating.

 (excuse my poor food photography!)

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