Empowering young children

Empowering young children

Just last night, after dinner and bath time – the time we usually spend reading, was spent creating posters.


We had just read about the Corroboree frog and wanted to know about other animals that were endangered.


Because through enlightening picture books my children are developing a global awareness. They are beginning to understand the important role they play in making a difference in the world they live in.  I didn’t suggest it, I just nurtured this need to create and create they did.

We decided to explore all different types of endangered animals and my daughter then created a poster she could take to school – so she could let her friends know about these creatures.

My children care about the world they live in and they want others to care to, so by simple things like making a poster about endangered animals , showing others we can live without excessive amounts of plastic and working out how we can care for those less fortunate than us are all important foundations to be laying down in our children.

take a look at what we have done and think about how you as a parent or a teacher can find half an hour in your day to nurture the children in your care so they can become more aware of how they can make a difference in our world.

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