Human beings are some of the smartest creatures ever to walk the Earth, but we have also made some big mistakes. Now it’s time for us to work together to fix those mistakes.

You can change the world: The kids guide to a better planet by Lucy Bell is a colourful and hands on book to engage and excite young readers into feeling that they can make a difference in the current world we live in.
From recipes to ensure you eat more vegetarian food or create less food waste to home gardening tips and ways to reduce plastic, this book is a great way to inspire children to see that they can make a difference at home and at school.
There are profiles of young change makers who have and are making a difference along with ways to reduce energy consumption by choosing companies that are trying to make a difference.
Lucy Bell has illustrated this non-fiction book beautifully so that although there is text to read there are illustrations to show what is being discussed and the information even when there is a larger amount, it is not overwhelming.
Broken up into 8 chapters along with quality websites to refer to and some group activity ideas this book is a must have tool for any household and school.
There are so many ways you can use this book by taking a weekly chapter focus, trying out the crafts and recipes or even learning how to sketch just like Lucy Bell.
We have loved reading through this book and it will be a book we will continue to refer to over time as we become better at changing the world!