
Why start a blog about books?


This is why, and I thank @coralsci for this:

I was watching a TED talk by Kristen Marhaver ( @coralsci) about growing baby coral to help replenish reefs.

She said this that inspired me to try and make a difference, to try and help others understand what is going on in the wider world and how it relates to us even in the smallest way.

And yet, almost everyone I meet, no matter how educated, is not sure what a coral is or where they come from. How would we get someone to care about the world’s coral reefs when it’s an abstract thing they can barely understand? If they don’t understand what a coral is or where it comes from, or how funny or interesting or beautiful it is, why would we expect them to care about saving them

I hope my blog can try to make meaning to real environmental issues – let me know!

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