
Why read books that raise questions?

We love reading in our house and we love to explore the world around us.

As a parent you need to read regularly, you need to read a variety of books and you need to talk about the book as you read to your child.


Without reading children cannot learn.

Without reading children cannot delve into different issues.

Without reading children are unaware of the world around them.

Without reading they cannot deepen their own creativity and knowledge.

As a parent, teacher or librarian you need to read, read often, read with passion and read with joy.

You want your child to want to read every day, you want them to ask for a book and enjoy the time they have reading.

You want them to ask big questions drawn from the literature they come across. You want them to question the world we live in. You want them to be the change we want to see in the world.

So, have you read a book today?

Have you read someone else a book?

Have you told a story?

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