Tilda teaches chatterboxes by Amy Adeney is the second book in this fun new series for early readers that not only engages students through first person narrative, it will also teach them a thing or two!

Tilda has just had an amazing holiday with her family and can’t wait to tell her friends – hoping they will be jealous but it seems that they have had just as an amazing holiday too which makes her feel a little fuzzy in the tummy.
Luckily Tilda has a very nice new teacher who gives the class a sheet for their narrative writing. This scaffold – ‘I see, I hear, I think’ has also come in handy to help her sort out her grumpy thinking out which leads to her super dooper idea – teach her friends how to make chatterboxes then surely they will stop talking about their holiday!
This is a great book for beginning readers with large print and very relatable content. Children will embrace the short chapters, fun dialogue and the pictures scattered throughout the pages.
Tilda teaches series also has some great learning within the books on how to navigate friendships and the difficulty we can have at times learning how to interact with one another.
Keep an eye out for more of these great books that really think at a kids level, help them to realise they can often solve friendship problems themselves and give them the confidence to keep reading!