the ones that disappeared by Zana Fraillon

the ones that disappeared by Zana Fraillon

How much do you know about child trafficking?

Do you think that it doesn’t happen in your country – as how could it be possible?

The trafficking of children happens all over the world to anyone – though children who come from poverty, areas of war or natural disasters are more likely to be trafficked than others.

 The Ones That Disappeared

the ones that disappeared by Zana Frailly moved me and taught me so much about this awful and hidden issue that so much more needs to be done about.

the ones that disappeared was heart wrenching yet also filled with laughter. As I read I too became friends with the four children at the centre of this story – 3 victims of child trafficking and one a victim of alcohol abuse and separation.

the ones that disappeared is like an adventure story in a far off land. The reader escapes the bad guys with the children, explores dark drains and conjures magic – but sadly this is all too real.

Around the world, millions of people – including many children – are victims of human trafficking. These modern-day slaves often go unseen even in our own cities and towns, their voices silent and their stories untold.

We need to start to wake up to these atrocities in our own countries and those of others. For this to be happening to millions of people a year is disgraceful – especially when so many of those people are children.

This book – although damming of the current state of the world and saddening – offers hope. There is hope for these children if more people are aware and if more people speak up to make government tighten laws the small people can make a difference – just like Esra does.

Children 11 years and up will enjoy this book – especially if they are debriefed after and encouraged to learn more about this issue.

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