The Golden Tower by Belinda Murrell

The Golden Tower by Belinda Murrell

If you have a child that loves adventure has a bit of sibling rivalry, loves the idea of magic and enjoys a bit of history then this is the book for them!

Set in Modern day England we meet Sophie who is staying with her grandmother at her little cottage for the school holidays.

Many readers will relate to the young Sophie who is full of self doubt with a brother who is doing better than her academically and the constant worries about friendships.

But little time is spent in getting to know Sophie before readers are plunged back hundreds of years and to a different time & place where dragons flew in the sky and a journey to the Golden Tower.

The adventure is non-stop with Sophie coming to the realisation than she does have the strength and bravery to do many things and with a little help from a talking cat and some new friends, she has a wonderful time.

Firmly rooted in history which can be read in the final pages of this book, readers will not only enjoy this magical adventure, they will learn a lot about life in the past and the myriad of people who have been a part of it!

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