Have you ever wondered why chickens do cross the road? Has it ever crossed your mind that it was to do something BAD?

The Bad Chicken by Justin Carpenter and illustrated by Nnanna Akwu is a fun filled picture book that enlightens us as to how bad those cute and fluffy chickens can be when we are not looking.
We meet the Bad Chicken, the chicken who causes trouble wherever her goes – but never gets the blame and never ever gets caught! The children in this story have had enough and are determined to catch him – but he is just too smart for them? You’ll have to find out!
Children will love reading about how it really is the Bad Chicken who makes the mess in their rooms, splashes water all over the bathroom floor and leaves toys all over the floor!
The illustrations are colourful, fun and add even more detail to the story and the interesting antics that the Bad Chicken gets up to!
The Bad Chicken by Justin Carpenter is a great story to share with young children – and perhaps inspire them to come up with better excuses as to why their rooms are so messy!
What else can you do with this book?
- Explore other stories that have a chicken as the main character. How many of these are Bad? Discuss why having a bad chicken makes this story fun.
- Discuss what else children get in trouble for around the house and why. Come up with some other excuses as to why these things happen!
- Look through the illustrations and discuss the extra story the illustrations tell us.
- Continue the story about where The Bad Chicken might be going next.