Count the numbers from 10 to one to see who is really falling asleep.

Renee Treml’s artwork in this board book for young children is beautiful. With a mixture of pastels and black and white sketching, young readers will adore reading this board book and looking at how different animals are put to sleep at night.
As children read this book they will hear the different verbs that are used to describe how we can get into our beds and see the different places animals sleep.
Australian creatures along with farmyard animals are counted in this book through rhyme which makes it a great book to talk about different sounds and the different animals that are out there!
Renee Treml’s illustrations are detailed and lovely to look at. Not only are there between 10-1 animals on each page, each animal looks different – which is really important – children need to see how the same type of animal can have stripes, spots of feathers in different places.
Ten Sleepy Sheep is a great book to gift to young readers along with those who love animals. It can inspire discussions about sleep (and perhaps encourage this….) along with the animals that live in our world.
The final bonus in this book is the owl at the end – who is wide awake, perhaps like the young child but also as a discussion point that not all animals sleep at night time!
This book can encourage:
- Counting forwards and backwards from 1-10
- Knowledge of the difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals
- Different types of animals
- Animal habitats