Australia under the sea. 1,2,3 by Frane Lessac. Published by Walker books

Some reading ideas…..

I’ve just read a thought provoking article about reading and books.

It raises really simple ideas about how we can use libraries to encourage children, parents and teachers to read more often.

Why is it that we have to change these learning environments to encourage reading?

Perhaps it is the use of technology for many young children. Many are given iPads or iPhones to play with from a very young age – but could we swap these for books?

Many libraries now have a big focus on technology, which is fantastic but we still need to focus on books – paper or ebooks so that children can enter a world where they can be filled with information in a quiet, safe place.

Here are some simple tips to use books in your home and/or classroom


  •  Start the day with a book or any piece of writing for that matter. Take 5 minutes to read – you will all appreciate the time out.
  •  Borrow regularly from the library.
  •  Buy the occasional book from an op shop and keep it in a special book shelf in your home so there is always a book or two in the house.
  • Talk about favourite books and why we love them.
  • Talk about different genre’s of books. sports, history, realism, fantasy, supernatural, suspense (horror), mystery, classical, adventure and science fiction.
  • Borrow books in areas of your child’s interest.


  • Seek out how you can use picture books to start lessons or new topics.
  • Talk to your students about books they are reading. Share what you are reading.
  • Start a book club – student or teacher!
  • Use books to promote creativity, problem solving and higher order thinking.
  • use the school library and librarian, they are a great resource.
  • Talk about genre’s of books. Have a Genre of the month discussion. Remember they don’t always have to be fiction!

Here is the article if you are interested in reading:

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