
Snail and turtle rainy day by Stephen Michael King

What is friendship? Do we all have a different view of what it is?

What is patience? Can patience be to someone what impatience is to another?

Snail and Turtle rainy day  by Stephen Michael King is a heart-warmimg story of friendship and patience.


My children and I loved reading this story. Not only does it explore friendship but also about patience and giving people time to feel comfortable when things are worrying them. Rainy days or sad moments in life might get you down but remember there is always a pair of gumboots, raincoats, hugs, friends and a warm cup of tea for after!

Stephen Michael King’s books are always vibrantly illustrated with small details and patterns  to search for while you are reading.

Knowing how to care for people is an important skill for everybody to learn and one which helps to make the world a better place.  This book really highlights the importance of care and patience.

We live in a world where we often expect people to just get on with it, not caring about their need to take things slowly during tough times.

As a society we need to slow down and take note of those around us and by instilling this in our children from a  young age by the way we talk to them we are skilling our world to be a better place.

So have a chat with your children about feelings, patience and care.

Of course sustainability and environment are a ket focus for me in this blog but without care from others, sense of community and a good sense of self all of these things may be pointless.

Here are some great links to sites that can help you help your children.

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