A young girl, too many pen toppers and a class full of kids…..and add to that a little witch, drawn on paper who can write notes!

Scribble witch is a wonderful new story aimed at younger readers with a mix of storytelling and drawing.
Young Molly doesn’t always enjoy class and does get in trouble at times BUT with the help of a little paper witch, she is able to see that sometimes we need to say what we feel and self confidence can go a long way!
The scribble witch, or otherwise known as ‘Notes’ helps Chloe along the way. She suggests what she should say to her friends, gives her advice on what to say in class and helps her to calm down when she is worried – the perfect friend any 9 year old could want!
Notes, the scribble witch, does write in a grammatically incorrect way but young readers will find it cute and enjoy trying to work out what she means!
The cute illustrations and the mention of pencil toppers is a winner in our house – anything cute to do with stationary is always going to light up 9 year olds eyes as well as the dilemmas of friendships.
Being 9 is a tricky age, they are becoming less of a small child but not a teenager or an adult. They are so much more aware of the world around then and often, self esteem can start to dwindle.
The Scribble Witch is a great story to show readers that friendship – good friendship is so important and telling others how you feel is just as important too.
Inky Willis has done a marvellous job at creating this book, filled with illustrations and fun – and aiming it at girls too.
Keep an eye out for more of these books in the Secret Scribble Witch series!