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Platypus by Sue Whiting and Mark Jackson

Platypus, written by Sue Whiting and illustrated by Mark Jackson  (Walker Books) was shortlisted for the 2016 CBCA book awards, and once you read this book there are no surprises as to why.

This cleverly written picture book writes figuratively and factually, allowing young readers to enjoy learning about the unusual Australian creature called the Platypus.

We delve deep into the life, habitat and intriguing habits of the Platypus, one of Australia’s much loved Monotreme’s.

This book can be treated as both Non-Fiction and picture book as it really allows younger readers to start to learn about facts in a magical way.

We loved reading Platypus and it helped us to learn more about this quiet creature who is difficult to see at the best of times!

So what can you do at home to enlighten your child on Australia?


Take part in a census of animals, plants and insects in your local aquatic environment. Stay for about 15 minutes (at least) and count the different animals, plants and insects that you can see. Project how many of these animals you think you might see in an hour, day or week.  (Links to numeracy)

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What sort of habitat do Platypus need? Can you recreate this habitat in your backyard or as a small scale model?

Think of how humans effect Platypuses and devise a single image which makes people aware of small actions that play a huge role on the life of a platypus.

Find out how to help the Platypus

Get outside! 

Visit the zoo

Visit the Reptile park

Find out how to help them

Find out how to spot Platypuses. Create your own tools or hiding gear so you can spot some platypus in their habitat.

Geography & Science

Where do they live in Australia?

What do they eat? Create a five star restaurant for some platypuses to dine in.

Which animal group do Platypuses belong? Learn about this special group of animals!


Create your own animal as unique as a platypus.

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