There was a child, the sweetest ever. Until she learned these words: No! Never!

If you’re a parent you would be very familiar with the words ‘No! Never!’
In this fun yet lesson telling story by Libby Hathorn and Lisa Hathorn-Jarman, we meet Georgie who has just learned the wonderful phrase – No! Never! which she uses whenever she doesn’t want to do anything.
As many parents would know, toddlers and pre schoolers are learning more about themselves and their place in the world but when it comes to constant ‘No!’ or ‘Never’, patience can wear thin.
And this is where the fun part comes in.
Georgie’s parents are not so impressed with the difficult bath times, bed time tales or even dinner time and so they decide to use the phrase in their own way.
This book is not only a great book for children, it is one that parents will easily relate to.
Children can learn through this book that saying ‘No’ is a great way to show their feelings but that they also need to be aware of the right time to use it. We need to give our young children a voice but learning about the consequences of this voice is also important.
Parents will have a laugh and children will enjoy the descriptive illustrations drawn by Mel Pearce. Mel’s technique suits this book well displaying movement of a young family so well along with the various emotions that show across our faces on a daily basis!
What can you do with this book?
- Talk about when we can use No! and when we need to think more about alternatives.
- Talk about when we should use ‘Yes I will’ and when we need to think about this also.
- Draw a picture of a time when you have said No! Never! and the feelings you felt before and after.