NAIDOC Week resources

NAIDOC Week resources

NAIDOC Week this year is during the school holidays from 7 to 14 July.

We can still celebrate Australian Indigenous people before and after this week with some great resources.

This year’s theme is Voice. Treaty Truth. Let’s work together.  

There are some great books that support this theme of voice, reconciliation and speaking the truth:

Voice. Treaty. Truth

Young Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe

Voice. Treaty

Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy

Wilam: A Birrarung Story by Aunty Joy Murphy (Explore indigenous languages)

Voice (Explore indigenous languages)

Baby Business by Jasmine Seymour

Clever Crow by Nina Lawrence

Nganga by Aunty Fay Muir

Our Birds by Siena Stubbs

It is also the International year of Indigenous Languages so using books that include indigenous language are a great place to start fostering awareness in young people. The diverse languages of the Australian Indigenous people are amazing.

Join my facebook page for some more conversations about how we can support our students in the classroom through books and hands on activities!

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