NAIDOC Week books for schools

NAIDOC Week books for schools

NAIDOC week has fallen in school holidays this year but we can still celebrate and share some great lessons, ideas and books when school returns.

Heal Country! the theme for 2021– calls for stronger measures to recognise, protect, and maintain all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage

Here are some great books we can use across the stages & KLAs in primary classrooms

Consider these great teaching guides through the NAIDOC website: Teachers Guides | NAIDOC

ES1 & Stage One

Hello and Welcome by Gregg Dreise. Published by Penguin Books. – Educate.Empower. (

My country by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Sally Morgan – Educate.Empower. (

Welcome to country by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy – Educate.Empower. (

Benny Bungarra’s Big Bush Clean up by Sally Morgan and Ambelin Kwaymullina – Educate.Empower. (

Stage Two

The Emu who ran through the sky by Helen Milroy. Published by Magabala books – Educate.Empower. (

My country by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Sally Morgan – Educate.Empower. (

Welcome to country by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy – Educate.Empower. (

Found by Bruce Pascoe and Charmaine Ledden-Lewis – Educate.Empower. (

Stage 3

Bindi by Kirli Saunders. Illustrated by Dub Leffler. Published by Magabala books. – Educate.Empower. (

My country by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Sally Morgan – Educate.Empower. (

Welcome to country by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy – Educate.Empower. (

Found by Bruce Pascoe and Charmaine Ledden-Lewis – Educate.Empower. (

Previous lists I have created: NAIDOC Week 2020 – Educate.Empower. (

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