Monuments by Will Kostakis

Monuments by Will Kostakis

High school days and navigating friendships – it was hard work, especially when you broke up with a best friend. But what if those friendships made us step out of our comfort zone and forced us into the unknown?

That’s where Monuments by Will Kostakis steps in

We meet Connor – a recent 16 year old divorcee of a friendship grown apart who is hanging out on the roof of his private school in Sydney, trying to avoid his ex-best friend, Olly. 

On his way down he discovers a trapdoor, which leads him to an empty room , a girl named Sally and a talking statue.

This statue turns out to be a Monument –  one of many that are hidden under the private schools of Sydney. Each were placed in the world to ensure that evil never reigns and peace is always at hand. But things have changed and life as Connor knows it, is turned literally upside down.

Not only are the characters in this story relatable, the story takes you on a fun adventure through the streets and schools of Sydney. 

Written from Connor’s perspective, young Adults will enjoy getting to know him, his family life, his hopes and fears. The reader grows with him as he starts to work out who he is while navigating life with the monuments on the surface and life changing tasks he must undertake.

Will Kostakis doesn’t leave anything out from this story – there is time travel, romance, battles and magic. There are mythical creatures, long held secrets and real life situations that many young readers will relate to.  

This is the first book in a series and I can’t wait to find out what happens next!


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