An excellent Junior Fiction novel as part of a series for independent readers aged 7-12. STEM based. Resilience & Persistence.
Marlow Brown – an ever inquisitive young girl who in the first book of this series wanted to become a scientist, now wants to become a magician!

Chapter one starts at the showground where Marlow has arranged to meet her friend Felix to watch a magic show – and then of course be inspired to become one herself.
Marlow leaves the show with a bag of goodies and her persistence, resilience and clever thinking to undertake lots of practice.
Readers will love reading through Marlow’s notes as she works out how to best perform the tricks as well as the humorous side of tricks that just don’t go to plan.
I think what children will love best is the persistence that Marlow shows throughout the entire book – she shows readers that failure doesn’t mean the end but rather a possibility to do or look at something differently.
Marjory Gardner’s illustrations bring more of this story to life – breaking up the text a little for readers who need to see what is happening in this fun filled story.
Marlow Brown is an excellent character for young readers to look up to & the story is so well written that those children who are starting on their reading journey will be embracing reading even further by the end!