They had a lot of fun fixing things, or finding new uses for them.

What a perfect book for the time we are living in right now!
Meet King Leonard, a lion who is very rich and has everything he could possibly wish for. He has any gadget you have ever dreamt of and the means to just throw things away when they are broken of dirty – meaning that he has a very large dump site which many near to new things rotting away in it!
King Leonard happily lives this life until his favourite teddy bear breaks and there is no way he would throw it out or replace it – so he need to find a way that he can repair it instead!
This story will have a strong connection with most children as many have a favourite bear or blanket that they would never ever want to part with. The fact that this beloved bear is the centre of this story helps to engage children in the real issue this book is all about – repairing, repurposing or recycling before we throw out!
We have been living in a very consumer driven world — just like King Leonard does at the beginning of this marvellous picture book and there have been rumblings of repair cafes and places where old becomes new. So perhaps now, with our current climate, we can take heed and follow King Leonard’s lead?
Phoebe Swan’s illustrations are colourful and fun. Children will love these illustrations and engage in the story through more that is shown rather than said. There is also a matching felt puppet set that goes along with the story helping readers to engage further through action and dialogue.
King Leonard’s Teddy is a great book and one which can be used more for younger students BUT older students can also gain a lot of insight into their own world from it.
This book can be bought through Child’s Play –
And teacher notes can be found here: