Do you know someone who is turning three? Yes? Then this is the book for them!

Jedda Robaard has once again delightfully illustrated another I’m ready book by Penguin publishing which tells the story of a little person waiting in anticipation for their party!
Three is a magical age where children become so much more aware of the world around them and especially more aware of birthday parties! The wait can feel like forever!
In this cute board book, children will watch as the little penguin gets ready for this birthday party and then the fun and wonderful feelings involved as people give presents and celebrate together.
Birthday parties for children in Australia and in many countries around the world are a big event and the book celebrates just how great these events are.
Jedda Robaard’s illustrations really ooze the emotion felt by the little penguin who is waiting to turn three along with the love that surrounds him on his birthday!
A great read and one for nearly three year olds!