Every single day, and in every single way, we use plants. From the food we eat and the cars we drive to the medicines we take and the clothes we wear, we would not be able to live without plants.

I ate sunshine for breakfast is a brightly illustrated non-fiction book for children that is all about plants – but not just in the usual biology text book way. This book diverts into how plants live in different environments around the world, how they help to keep us alive and even how the clothe us.
Each chapter is engaging through fun illustrations and bite sized pieces of information that will allow younger to older readers pick and choose what they wish to read.
With labelled diagrams and even some DIY investigations and experiments, I ate sunshine for breakfast is the perfect book for children who are learning about plants.
Many text books in the past have a narrow focus which is great but now that we know so much more about plants, we should be allowing children to jump into it too.
The final chapter explores how plants are helping with the making energy to power lights, provide medicine that can save us and even replace fossil fuels that are damaging the planet.
This book is informative yet encourages readers to get outside and see the plants beyond the pages. It helps children to realise there is so much more to plants than what they realise and that without them – we would not exist!
This is a great book to use in the science classroom, sustainability lessons and also informative text type writing.